Advanced Academics
Information specific to Colvin Run's AAP & FCPS information
AAP At a Glance
Advanced Academics Continuum of Services
Contact Information
Susan Langford, [email protected]
Advanced Academics at Colvin Run
Colvin Run has a Level IV AAP center that draws Level IV AAP identified students from the Colvin Run and Great Falls Elementary communities. Colvin Run is a unique school in that we believe all students can and should access Level IV curriculum. Aside from our commitment to all students learning and working with the 9 critical and creative thinking strategies, all classrooms teach with units and resources that one might find in a Level IV classroom. From kindergarten to sixth grade, all students are acquiring the Portrait of a Graduate skills as they think critically, learn to be effective communicators, collaborate to solve problems, and apply what they are learning across multiple subject areas.
Colvin Run offers students all levels of Advanced Academic Programs (AAP), including a Level IV center as an option in grades 3-6.
Level IV Center
Colvin Run houses an AAP center that draws identified gifted students from a number of neighboring elementary schools including Colvin Run and Great Falls . Currently there are multiple classrooms at each grade level from grades 3 through 6.
Students in the Level IV AAP center study the same Fairfax County Program of Studies curriculum as do students in the base school with instructional techniques that are designed to match the educational learning styles of gifted students.
All Level IV AAP students are instructed one year ahead in math and are engaged in a Mathematics contest called "Continental Math." Additional language arts, science and history units for gifted students, designed by the College of William and Mary's Center for Gifted Education, are part of the enriched AAP curriculum. Higher level thinking skills are stressed through class discussions and project-based learning, which allow students to learn to work together to solve problems. Students in the Grade Level (General Education) classrooms may also qualify for Advanced Math, Continental Math League and have access to many of the same AAP resources.
Technology is used as a tool for learning with all students. Students use computers for word processing, creating graphs, spreadsheets, and databases, designing multimedia presentations, and to access the Internet for research.